Freelance or Full Time
Welcome to my online portfolio. I am a hands-on digital art director and designer who conceptualizes and creates custom multichannel artwork for various brands. I have expertise in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, along with a thorough knowledge of best practices in both digital and print media. With twenty years of experience in entertainment design, I have produced digital and print artwork for some of the largest film studios and agencies in Los Angeles.
Prior to my 20 years in entertainment, I spent 10 years in traditional graphic design focused on print advertising and marketing communications. I worked on large-scale corporate campaigns, including but not limited to, the City of Los Angeles, the Mayor's Office, Foothill Transit, California Avocados, and The Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Early in my career, my goal was to become an illustrator and to paint album covers that once adorned the storefronts of Tower Records in Los Angeles. I began freelancing as a paid illustrator at the age of 16 and later attended Los Angeles Valley College to enhance my skills in graphics and 2D design. I also found value in my sociology courses.
In 2017, I enrolled in a Digital Painting class at Gnomon School of Gaming and Visual Arts in Hollywood to further develop my ability to create artwork I cannot find or photograph myself. While we now have AI to assist us, I am glad to have this skill set in my toolkit.
Design is a full-time hobby for me, but I also enjoy spending time outdoors with my dog. We have an electric scooter that I ride while she runs alongside me, and we both love it! Her favorite thing is playing fetch – the farther she can run to retrieve it, the better. 
To reach me, please call me at (323) 821-7887 or you can send me an email at josephrey@josephrey.us. Or, you can send me an email via the contact form below. 

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Derek Anaeme - derekanaeme.com
Debi Laezman - debidoesdesign.com
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